[Eeglablist] ASA import GUI interface gone?!

Arnaud Delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Mon Apr 11 06:49:45 PDT 2011

This was not intentional and was only a problem when using the ZIP version of EEGLAB version 10.

We have a script that copies specific plugins to the released version and it was trying to copy version 1.05 of the ANT plugin (which had been removed) instead of the new 1.08 version (with 64-bit support). 
This is now fixed and available in the latest version of EEGLAB (version The latest "stable" version of EEGLAB ( still contains version 1.05 of the ANT plugin though.

Best regards,

A. Delorme
Revision history for version 10

Revision history for version 9

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