[Eeglablist] coregistering measured electrode positions

Igor Riecansky igor.riecansky at savba.sk
Fri Jun 10 00:40:37 PDT 2011

Dear EEGLAB Developers and Users,


After importing measured electrode position to an EEGLAB data set these
location data are processed in order to adjust them with the 2-d head model
using functions pop_chancenter() and forcelocs(). For the purpose of source
localization, electrode positions must be aligned with the 3-d head model.
This is done with the function coregister(). My question is, which location
data should be entered for coregistering, original measured positions or
positions adjusted by pop_chancenter()? In my opinion, original real
measured positions must be used not adjusted locations, but this is not
stated explicitly in the documentation. 


Thank you in advance for comments on this issue.


Best whishes,







Igor Riecansky, MD, PhD

Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience

Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology

Slovak Academy of Sciences

Sienkiewiczova 1

813 71 Bratislava, Slovakia

Tel.: +421-2-52 92 62 75

Mobile: +421-908-419 712

Fax: +421-2-52 96 85 16



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