[Eeglablist] Loading EDF files quickly for parallel processing

Wesley Kerr wesleytk at ucla.edu
Thu Aug 11 15:59:49 PDT 2011

Hi all,

     I'm wondering if there's a way to speed up the loading of an edf file
into eeglab using pop_biosig without loading a GUI.

     When I use the MATLAB GUI, I can do:
     If I save the path, then loading all subsequent edf files goes a lot
faster (10 seconds vs 10 minutes).

     My issue is that I'm trying to process my data in parallel, so I'm
using a non-GUI based MATLAB where I need to reload the path on each
processing node that I'm using. When I try to make the processing node do
"eeglab;", since I can't use a GUI (and other reasons), MATLAB errors out.
     I feel like eeglab compiles mex files or does something to speed the
process up, but I can't figure out what from reading the code.

     Does anyone have a fix?

Details, if it helps:
     I'm currently working with a database of 100 GB (and growing) of .edf
files, each with 26 channels. Subjects have between 10MB and 800MB of data
in one file. Of course, I load one hour of one channel at a time and loop
through. If I don't do that, I get out of memory errors. (Loading more than
an hour also gives memory problems.)
     My home machine is an iMac OSX 10.5.8 with 4GB of RAM and I'm working
on a linux based cluster with up to 16GB of RAM per computing node. Cluster
MATLAB is 2010b, local MATLAB is 2009a.

Actual call:

fname is filename
i is the channel index (1:26)
j is the block index (1:header.records/window_length)
window_length= 60*60 (seconds) = 1 hour

Thanks so much,


Wesley Kerr
UCLA MD-PhD Program
Cohen Lab
wesleytk at ucla.edu
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