[Eeglablist] New release of OpenViBE 0.11.0 available

Laurent Bonnet laurent.bonnet at irisa.fr
Thu Aug 11 06:05:09 PDT 2011

The OpenViBE development team is happy to announce the release of
*OpenViBE* 0.11.0 "Summer Edition", available for download at :

This release brings many exciting features, including three community 
contributions :
*Aurélien Van Langhenhove* contributed a driver based on OpenAL to 
acquire sound signal from microphone input.
*Joan Fruitet* patched the Matlab Filter box, by fixing bugs and adding 
stimulation output.
*Olivier Rochel* contributed bugfix patches, for matlab box and 

Motor-imagery and SSVEP scenarios now use *CSP* for higher performances.
*Emotiv driver* was updated to make gyroscope values available.
Signal Concatenation box has been rewritten for *fast file concatenation*.
The developer tool *Skeleton-Generator* benefited from a major update.
*Matlab* box outputs stimulations.
Channel Selector and Reference Channel feature *smart channel selection* 
(names, indexes, ranges).
... and more new features detailed below.

Detailed changelog can be found on the forum :
< http://openvibe.inria.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=532>

Many thanks to Aurélien, Joan and Olivier for their contributions! If 
you are interested in joining the effort feel free to contact us!

Contact : Project Leader : Anatole Lécuyer, INRIA 
(anatole.lecuyer at inria.fr) Lead Software Engineer : Laurent Bonnet, 
INRIA (laurent.bonnet at inria.fr)

Follow us on twitter : http://twitter.com/openvibebci

For more information visit our website : http://openvibe.inria.fr

The whole team wishes you a nice summer & holidays!


Detailed feature list :

     == COMMUNITY ==
     + Aurélien Van Langhenhove contributed a driver based on OpenAL to 
acquire sound signal from microphone input.
     + Joan Fruitet contributed a patch for the Matlab filter box, by 
fixing bugs and adding stimulation output.
     + Olivier Rochel contributed patches for the skeleton-generator and 
the matlab box

     == SUPPORT ==
     + OpenViBE is now officially supported on Fedora 15, Ubuntu 11.04 
and Windows 7 64bit.

     * The Emotiv EPOC driver now acquires values from gyroscope sensors 
(new option in the driver properties).
     * The Player in the OpenViBE Designer can now be controlled with 
keyboard shortcuts (F5: stop, F6: one-step, F7: play, F8: fast-forward)
     * Skeleton Generator benefited from a major update, and can produce 
box skeleton with Listeners, Codecs, Flags, etc.

     == PLUGINS ==
     + New Reference Channel and Channel Selector boxes. The older boxes 
are now deprecated. The channel selection is smarter (name or 1-based 
index, 'X:Y' for channel range).
     + New Signal Concatenation box. The older box is now deprecated. 
The concatenation is much faster, and end-of-file is detected 
automatically through a time-out.
     + New Stream Switch box that copies its input chunks on one of its 
outputs. The active output is selected with defined stimulations.
     * CSV file writer can receive 1 or 2-dimensional matrices
     * Matrix display can receive 1 or 2-dimensional matrices
     * The Matlab filter box has now a Stimulation output, and the 
Matlab messages are redirected to the OpenViBE console (warnings, 
errors, disp, etc.)
     * Classifier Trainer outputs standard deviation along with 
classification percentage on the k-fold test. k-fold test now randomize 
the input data prior to testing by default.
     * CSP and xDAWN spatial filter trainers output a stimulation 
OVTK_StimulationId_TrainCompleted after a successful training.
     * Classifier Accuracy visualization box can now show score and/or 
percentages, or none of them.

     == RESOURCES ==
     + New set of scenarios for a Motor-Imagery based BCI using CSP 
spatial filters, and demonstrating how to measure classifier 
performances offline or online (confusion matrix, overall performance).
     + Documentation for the Matlab Filter box.
     + Documentation for the Display-Cue visualisation box.
     * SSVEP scenarios now make use of CSP spatial filters for better 
     * Acquisition Server documentation updated to latest GUI 
modification (division driver properties/server settings)


        Laurent Bonnet
        Lead Software Engineer - OpenViBE project
        laurent.bonnet at inria.fr

   Campus de Beaulieu    Tel -:- 33 (0)
   35042 Rennes Cedex    Fax -:- 33 (0)

                    OpenViBE links
   bug tracker:http://openvibe.inria.fr/tracker
   irc:                #openvibe on irc.freenode.net

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