[Eeglablist] Component clustering - problem with dividing each subject into different epochs

Dasari, Naga Mallikarjuna Rao - dasnm001 naga.dasari at mymail.unisa.edu.au
Mon Mar 17 17:16:58 PDT 2014

Dear all,

I am trying to use component clustering tool in the eeglab.

I have divided each subject's data into 500ms epochs.  For 5 subjects I got 25 epochs and consider each of them as an individual subject for analysis purpose.  Then created a study using 25 epochs.  When I use 'Build Pre-clustering array', it is creating a parent cluster with only 150 ICs (5X30) instead of 750 ICs (25x30).

I have computed ICA weights before dividing the each subject's data into individual epochs.

I am not sure what is the reason behind this.

Thank you for your time and help.

Kind Regards,
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