[Eeglablist] Is there a 2, 000-file limit in EEGlab Study function?

David G Gilbert dgilbert at siu.edu
Mon Mar 24 11:17:35 PDT 2014

I encountered a difficulty l attempting to utilize EEGlab's Study function. I cannot successfully load more than 2,000 files into a stud function, even though they are very small files. I successfully loaded 500+ files into a study, and then proceeded to separate these 500 files into about 4,500 files.  However, EEGLAB crashes with an error similar to "index cannot be 0", although this was not the exact wording of the error.  I tested with multiple different files and different computers(with different RAM) and it always crashes on file 2,000, suggesting that there is not a problem with either the files or the amount of RAM.  I am wondering if there is a way around tis potential upper-limit of including only 2,000 files into a stud format? Thank you.

Dr. Gilbert

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