[Eeglablist] Inquiry Regarding Importing EEG Dataset into EEGLAB

Komal Komal komal.komal at postgrad.wit.ie
Thu Jan 4 06:12:57 PST 2024

Dear Concern,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Komal, and I am a Ph.D.
student at Southeast Technological University in Waterford, Ireland.
Currently, I am working on an EEG dataset for epilepsy seizure detection.

I have downloaded an open-source dataset for this purpose from PhysioNet (
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://physionet.org/content/chbmit/1.0.0/chb01/*files-panel__;Iw!!Mih3wA!F7F1qN4IAKTSiAlc-XZ_yLbMxWuMlAi1myTzCcKmyqrRIY9FiEyIU3gMXpmiHLFMtriTBznl3otv-gJOO5o0hMYmVN_72_z7_w$ ). The dataset
comprises EEG recordings of 24 subjects, with each subject having a
separate subfolder containing 46 .edf files (each file representing an EEG
recording from a specific electrode).

I am encountering difficulties while attempting to import these files into
EEGLAB. Could you please guide how to import all files for all subjects
collectively? I am particularly interested in a method to import all
subjects and their respective 46 .edf files efficiently.

I appreciate your time and assistance and look forward to hearing from you

Best regards,
Ph.D. Student
Southeast Technological University
Waterford, Ireland

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