[Eeglablist] Microphone artifact

Marc Rosenkranz marc.rosenkranz at uni-oldenburg.de
Wed Jan 24 04:50:11 PST 2024


I am recording EEG and sound simultaneously. The sounds are very simple, like clinking of glasses.  For some reason I see an artifact in the EEG at the onset of a sound. My first idea was that this is related to the microphone. I have tried different microphones, an active and a passive, both of which produce the artifact. I still assume that it is related to the microphone, as other artifacts, such as muscle movement could be ruled out.

EEG is recorded using a BrainVision Amplifier. The audio is recoded via the microphone using lsl audio capture (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/labstreaminglayer/App-AudioCapture__;!!Mih3wA!CD2DxDEfAgpHeYb_afEbdkxmw7SRjCIqrVQ9Zbh5JK9Mkeoikvh5v-RCH1-IHF8NvID4FSw9DzY9OwtpWGEz2lsOTy5BzDLrZe3mhYzf$ ). EEG and audio are synchronized using LSL.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem or has an idea what might be causing the artifact?

Best, Marc

Marc Rosenkranz
Neurophysiology of Everyday Life Group
Department of Psychology
University of Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg

marc.rosenkranz at uni-oldenburg.de

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