[Eeglablist] error when using pop_eegplot

George McKenzie Opie george.opie at adelaide.edu.au
Thu Feb 15 15:34:43 PST 2024

Hi All,

Im using pop_eegplot to select epochs for rejection, with selected epochs subsequently removed with pop_rejepoch. After selecting the relevant epochs and pressing the 'update marks' button, the following error message is displayed:

Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.

Error in eeglab>updatemenu (line 1440)
      if ~isempty(EEG) && ~isempty(ALLEEG) && ~isequaln(EEG, ALLEEG(CURRENTSET))

Error in eeglab (line 421)

Error using LiveEditorEvaluationHelperE1560496473 (line 115)
Error while evaluating DestroyedObject Callback.

I'm still able to remove the selected epochs, so its unclear what issues this is creating. I tried using the legacy version of eegplot, but the error is still displayed. Any advice on addressing this error would be greatly appreciated.



George Opie, PhD

Discipline of Physiology
School of Biomedicine
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005
Ph    : +61 8 8313 4157
Fax   : +61 8 8303 5384
e-mail: george.opie at adelaide.edu.au<mailto:george.opie at adelaide.edu.au>

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