[Eeglablist] Need a panel consisting of 5 foreign examiners - requesting consent to evaluate the Ph.D. thesis of Pragati Patel - regarding

Dr. A. Ramesh Naidu arameshnaidu at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 00:11:56 PDT 2024

Dear Members,
                        I am writing to ask for your expertise at the level
of  Professor/Associate Professor in evaluating the Ph.D. thesis of Ms.
Pragati Patel, a doctoral candidate under my supervision at the Department
of Physics, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.* Pondicherry
University needs a panel consisting of 5 foreign examiners from different
developed countries and the university will pay the honorarium according to
university norms. Out of 5 members, the university will send the thesis
evaluation request to one Professor/Associate Professor.*

Ms. Pragati Patel’s thesis is titled: “Deciphering Human Emotion Recognition
using Nonextensive Statistics based Machine Learning Models”
This research investigates the application of machine learning models for
recognizing human emotions. Ms. Pragati Patel has explored various models
and techniques to achieve accurate and robust emotion recognition.
Your extensive knowledge in this area of expertise would be invaluable
in assessing the originality, methodology, and overall contribution of my
research scholar Pragati Patel's work to the field of Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The enclosed synopsis document outlines Pragati’s research in detail. We
would be grateful if you could consider evaluating the thesis and providing

Thank you for your time and consideration.

kind regards,
Ramesh Naidu
Dr. A. Ramesh Naidu
Department of Physics,
Pondicherry University,
Puducherry -- 605 014, India.
Ph No: +91 413 2654 632 (O)
            +91 413 2656 988 (F)
            +91 7598481419 (M)
E-mail: rameshnaidu.phy at pondiuni.edu.in; arameshnaidu at gmail.com;
arameshnaidu at pondiuni.ac.in




*Research Publications*

1.     EEG-based human emotion recognition using entropy as a feature
extraction measure, Pragati Patel, RN Annavarapu - *Brain Inf.* *8*, 20
(2021). https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1186/s40708-021-00141-5__;!!Mih3wA!BBjARKOszrd7n9YFlCmOF-xO5sWF0YmAmM_Re2x5Z6Z-KN0oW2vlz7vdSql1IvP4jwCeFAt4dz-jmqQdxxhRRFaRffQ$ .

2. Tsallis Entropy as Biomarker to Assess and Identify Human Emotion via
EEG Rhythm Analysis, Pragati Patel, Balasubramanian, S., & Annavarapu, R.
N. (2023) - NeuroQuantology, 21(1), 135. *https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi__;!!Mih3wA!BBjARKOszrd7n9YFlCmOF-xO5sWF0YmAmM_Re2x5Z6Z-KN0oW2vlz7vdSql1IvP4jwCeFAt4dz-jmqQdxxhR-acMkM0$  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi__;!!Mih3wA!BBjARKOszrd7n9YFlCmOF-xO5sWF0YmAmM_Re2x5Z6Z-KN0oW2vlz7vdSql1IvP4jwCeFAt4dz-jmqQdxxhR-acMkM0$ >:

3. Analysis of EEG Signal using nonextensive statistics, Pragati Patel, &
Annavarapu, R. N. (2023) - International Research Journal of Engineering
and Technology.

4. Complexity study of Human Emotions via EEG signals using Nonextensive
Statistics, Pragati Patel, Balasubramanian, S., & Annavarapu, R. N. (2023)
– Under Review.

5. Cross Subject Emotion identification from multichannel EEG sub-bands
using Tsallis entropy as a feature to the K-nearest neighbor classifier,
Pragati Patel, Balasubramanian, S., & Annavarapu, R. N. (2024) – *Brain Inf*.
11, 7 (2024). https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1186/s40708-024-00220-3__;!!Mih3wA!BBjARKOszrd7n9YFlCmOF-xO5sWF0YmAmM_Re2x5Z6Z-KN0oW2vlz7vdSql1IvP4jwCeFAt4dz-jmqQdxxhRku84Y0E$ .

6. Application of supervised machine learning algorithms in the
classification in human emotion classification using Tsallis entropy as
feature, Pragati Patel, Balasubramanian, S., & Annavarapu, R. N. (2023) –
Under Review.

7. Multimodality Neuroimaging Techniques- Integrating structural,
functional and molecular imaging for advancement of Neuroscientific
Research, Pragati Patel, Balasubramanian, S., Kathi, S., & Annavarapu, R.
N. (2023) – Under Review.

8. Emerging efficient methods to unravel the complexities of epilepsy: from
seizure susceptibility to neurological impact, Balasubramanian, S., Pragati
Patel, & Annavarapu, R. N. (2023) – Under Review.

*Conference Presentations*

1. "Tsallis entropy based statistical analysis of EEG signal" at 1st
International Symposium on Recent Advances in Fundamental and Applied
Sciences (ISFAS-2021) (Oral presentation, Online mode) organized by Atatürk
University, ERZURUM, TURKEY (10-12 September 2021).

2. "Analysis of Hodgkin-Huxley model using artificial neural network” at at
1st International Symposium on Recent Advances in Fundamental and Applied
Sciences (ISFAS-2021) (Oral presentation, Online mode) organized by Atatürk
University, ERZURUM, TURKEY (10-12 September 2021).

3. “Tsallis Entropy-based Statistical Study of Human Emotions through EEG
Signals” at FENS satellite symposium “Understanding Neural Circuit
Evolution” on July 7, 2022.

4. “Cross subject emotion identification from multichannel EEG Sub-bands
using Tsallis entropy as a feature to K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier” at
international conference on research innovations & challenges (ICRIC 2023)
organized by Centre for research & Training, NFED, Tamil Nadu, India (19-21
January 2023).

*C. Workshops Attended*

1. National workshop on Network Science, organized by School of Physics,
University of Hyderabad on 13-15 march 2020.

2. International workshop on integrated approach of stochastic modelling
and data science for sustainable development, 7-11 sept, 2022, jointly
organized by Department of statistics, S.V. University & Indian Society for
Probability &Statistics (ISPS).

3. International workshop on Basic Statistical Analysis and its
interpretation using SPSS, organized by Global institute of statistical
solutions (GISS) on 24-26 September 2022.

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