[Eeglablist] Automated Artefact Rejection - BVA Methods

Metin Özyağcılar metinozyagcilar at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 00:25:43 PDT 2024

Hello everyone,

I was wondering whether there is any way to do an artifact rejection on
EEGLAB, similar to the methods that are integrated in Brain Vision
Analyzer? -specifically based on such criteria: absolute voltage range
exceeding 200 µV, voltage step exceeding 50 µV between consecutive data
points, or maximum voltage difference of less than 0.5 µV within 100 ms
intervals; and doing these based on individual channels therefore not
rejecting the trials across all channels?

I am already aware that ERPLAB has similar functions; however, my whole
pre-processing is done via default functions of EEGLAB, and not with
ERPLAB. For that reason, I don’t have the “data structure” required by
ERPLAB and as a result, I cannot execute such functions on my data.
I remember seeing a very similar question here in this list before and
someone even shared a code, but no matter how much I searched for it again,
I was unable to find it. So, apologies if I’m repeating a question.

Any help / suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Best wishes,

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