Sixth EEGLAB Workshop

Centro de Modelamiento Matematico (CMM)
Universidad de Chile
Santiago de Chile, Dec. 10-13, 2007




Preliminary program

There will be tea/coffee/soft drink between sessions. breaks mid-mornings and afternoons.

Monday, Dec. 10

8:00-8:30 pm Welcome cocktail and announcements

Tuesday, Dec. 11

9:00 am-12:00 Brain dynamics & EEGLAB overview
  • Scott Makeig - Mining event-related brain dynamics
                            -- Break --
  • Arnaud Delorme - ICA theory
12:00-1:30 Lunch on your own on campus

1:30-5:30 pm EEGLAB methods I
  • Julie Onton - EEGLAB Basics
  • Julie Onton - Running ICA
                            -- Break --
  • Julie Onton - Evaluating ICA components Part 1
  • Arnaud Delorme - Basic scripting with EEGLAB
  • Julie Onton - Evaluating ICA components Part 2
5:30-6:30 pm Practicum (data and workstations available)

Wenesday, Dec. 12

9:00 am-12:00 - EEGLAB methods II
  • Arnaud Delorme - Time-frequency decomposition
                       -- Break --
  • Scott Makeig - Forward and inverse source modeling
  • Julie Onton - Dipole modeling with DIPFIT plugin
12:00-1:30 pm - Picnic Lunch on campus

1:30-4:30 pm Scripting with EEGLAB studies
  • Scott Makeig - EEGLAB STUDY and independent component clustering
  • Julie Onton - Build an EEGLAB STUDY
                            -- Break --
  • Arnaud Delorme - Plot and edit STUDY clusters
4:30 - Excursion to Parque O'Higgins o Cerro San Cristobal

Thursday, Dec. 13

9:00-10:30 am EEGLAB plugins and source modeling
  • Arnaud Delorme - Bootstrap statistics
  • Julie Onton - Advanced STUDY analysis
10:30 am-12:00 - Group research (common datasets, multiple questions)
  • Participants select questions to explore using workshop datasets, making scripts and plots for the group reporting session in the afternoon.             -- with Break --
12:00-1:30 pm - Lunch on your own on campus

1:30-4:00 pm - Group research
  • Preparation of group results
4:00-5:00 pm - Presentation of group results
  • Presentation and discussion of group results
5:00-6:00 pm - EEGLAB Overview/Review and General Discussion

6:30-9:00 pm Workshop dinner

Presentations after the workshop

Faculty                 (contact via
Arnaud Delorme EEGLAB founder & developer
Julie Onton EEGLAB advanced user
Scott Makeig EEGLAB founder & developer
Local organiser
Marcela Pena Faculty at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and at the Universidad de Chile