Pyrénées' mountain

Fourth EEGLAB Workshop
Aspet (pyrénées), France, June 26-29, 2007





Preliminary Program

Tuesday, June 26

16:30-18:00 - Optional Matlab Tutorial
18:00-20:00 - Registration

Wednesday, June 27

8:00-8:15 - Welcome and Announcements
8:15-12:00 - Brain dynamics & EEGLAB overview
Scott Makeig - Mining event-related brain dynamics (8:15-9:45)
-- Coffee Break (15 min)--
Arnaud Delorme - EEGLAB overview (10:00-10:45)
Arnaud Delorme - ICA Theory I (10:45-12:00)
12:00-13:00 - Lunch (included in registration)
13:00-17:00 - EEGLAB methods I and practicum
Guillaume Rousselet - Data import and preprocessing (13:00-14:15)
Guillaume Rousselet - Artifact processing and ERP analysis (14:15-15:30)
-- Coffee Break (15 min)--
Arnaud Delorme - ICA decomposition and component analysis (15:45-17:00)
17:00-19:00 pm Practicum (data, workstations, and projects available)

Thursday, June 28

8:00-9:00 - Practicum (data, projects and workstations available)
9:00-12:00 - EEGLAB methods II and practicum
Arnaud Delorme - Time-frequency decomposition (9:00-10:00)
-- Coffee Break (15 min)--
Guillaume Roussellet - Statistics (10:15-11:15)
Scott Makeig - Independent component clustering and STUDY (11:15-12:00)
12:00-13:00 -- Lunch (included in registration)
1:00-3:30 pm - EEGLAB scripting and practicum
Arnaud Delorme – Working with STUDYs (13:00-14:00)
Scott Makeig – EEG, STUDY structure (14:00-14:30)
Arnaud Delorme - Using EEGLAB history for basic and advanced scripting (14:30-15:30)
15:45 - 19:30 pm – Hiking Excursion in the Pyrénées

Friday, June 29

8:00-9:45 - Building and using EEGLAB plug-ins
Arnaud Delorme - Extending EEGLAB with plug-ins (8:00-8:30)
Robert Oostenveld - Inverse models and DIPFIT plugin, Fieldtrip (8:30-9:45)
-- Coffee Break (15min)--
10:00:11:30 - practicum on projects
Participants select questions on workshop datasets to work on, making plots and sample scripts for the Group Report session
11:30-12:00 – Group Report Session and closing remarks
12:00-13:00 -Lunch (included in registration)

Faculty                 (contact via
Arnaud Delorme Founder & developer
Scott Makeig Founder & developer
Robert Oostenveld Advanced user and Fieldtrip developer
Guillaume Rousselet Advanced user