Fifth EEGLAB Workshop
La Jolla, California, Nov. 8-10, 2007
following the Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego




Workshop program

The entire workshop will be held in the Embassy Ballroom of the Embassy Suites Hotel, 4550 La Jolla Village Dr., La Jolla, CA. Purple=lectures. Brown=tutorial.
There will be tea/coffee/snacks between sessions during the mid-morning and afternoon breaks.

Wenesday, Nov. 7

5:00-7:00 pm Check-in open

Thursday, Nov. 8

7:30-8:00 am Check-in open

8:00-8:15 am Welcome and announcements at the Embassy Suites hotel in La Jolla

8:15 am-12:00 Brain dynamics I
  • Scott Makeig - Mining event-related brain dynamics I
  • Arnaud Delorme - EEGLAB and workshop overview
                        -- Break (10:15 am-10:30)--
  • Tzyy-Ping Jung - ICA theory I
  • Julie Onton - ICA applications
12:00-1:15 Lunch at Hotel (included in workshop registration)

1:15-5:30 pm EEGLAB methods I
  • Stefan Debener - Data import and channel analysis
  • Julie Onton - Artifact rejection and running ICA
  • Julie Onton - Evaluating ICA components Part 1

                            -- Break -- (3:15 to 3:30)

  • Arnaud Delorme - Time-frequency decompositions
  • Stefan Debener - Using EEGLAB history for basic scripting
5:30-7:30 pm Practicum (data, workstations and faculty available)

5:30-7:30 pm Cocktail reception (Hotel atrium)

Friday, Nov. 9

8:30 am-12:00 - EEGLAB methods II
  • Tzyy-Ping Jung - ICA theory II
  • Julie Onton - Evaluating ICA components Part 2

                            -- Break -- (10:15 to 10:30)

  • Scott Makeig - Inverse models
  • Julie Onton - Dipole modeling with DIPFIT plugin
12:00-1:15 Lunch at Hotel (included in workshop registration)

1:15-5:30 pm - EEGLAB methods III
  • Scott Makeig - IC clustering and introduction to the STUDY
  • Julie Onton - Build an EEGLAB STUDY
  • Arnaud Delorme - Bootstrap statistics

                            -- Break -- (3:15 to 3:30)

  • Arnaud Delorme - Plot and edit STUDY clusters from menu
  • Julie Onton - STUDY analysis Part 1
  • Julie Onton - STUDY analysis Part 2
5:30-7:30 pm Practicum (data, workstations, and faculty available)

5:30-7:30 pm Cocktail reception (Hotel atrium)

Saturday, Nov. 10

8:30-9:30 am Brain dynamics II
  • Scott Makeig - Mining event-related brain dynamics II
9:30-11:00 am - EEGLAB plugins
  • Arnaud Delorme - Extending EEGLAB with plug-ins

                            -- Break -- (10:05 to 10:25)

  • Stefan Debener - Using the EEG/fMRI plug-in
11:00 am-12:00 - Group research (common datasets, multiple questions)
  • Participants select questions to explore using workshop datasets, making scripts and plots for the group reporting session after lunch.
12:00-2:00 pm Picnic excursion to Torrey Pines State Park

2:00-3:45 pm - Group research (continued)

                                -- Break -- (3:45 to 4:00)

4:00-5:45 pm - Group research report and discussion
  • Presentation of group results with discussion
5:45-6:00 pm - Closing remarks

6:30-8:30 pm Optional open house at the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience

Faculty                 (contact via
Arnaud Delorme EEGLAB founder & developer
Julie Onton EEGLAB advanced user
Stefan Debener EEGLAB advanced user
Tzyy-Ping Jung EEGLAB methods co-developer
Scott Makeig EEGLAB founder & developer