[Eeglablist] independent components (artifacts) from data

Sameer Walawalkar sameer at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Feb 1 08:47:03 PST 2007


I am interested in using EEGLab in order to identify ICs from artefacts 
(blinks, heart) and then subtracting these independent components from 
the data.

The information on 
is very useful for identifying artefacts and finding the projections of 
each IC on every channel. However, the projections seem to have a +/- sign 
ambuguity and a straighforward subtraction removes artifacts from some 
channels but enhances them in others. (Adding instead of subtracting gives 
the opposite assymetric effect).

Is there a way to get around this? I have data from 306 channels, and I am 
not very interested checking channel by channel for each artifact.


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