[Eeglablist] ICA strategy on multi epoch data in EEGLab

peng prion.w at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 22:55:27 PDT 2007

Dear EEGLab developers/advanced users

   I have a question on the ICA strategy of multi epoch data in EEGLab:
   When we import NeuroScan eeg file into EEGLab, the data would be 3
dimension: time points * channels * epochs. I think ICA would deal
with 2-dimention data, so there may be several strategies:
a. EEGLab link the data of different epochs together
b. perform ICA on linked data
c. simply divide the components into epochs

a. EEGLab perform ICA for each epoch separately
b. but result of previous epoch would be initial value of the next one

a. EEGLab may perform ICA by strategy 1, 2 or others, and get a result
like a "rule" (distribution or sth)
b. The "rule" would then applied to each epoch and get their own
strength data of each componet.

Thanks for your help!


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