[Eeglablist] memory problems when reading in 128 channels Biosemi data

Jaskirat Wild wildja at ohsu.edu
Tue May 22 12:21:53 PDT 2007

Hi Miriam-
We encountered the same problem when importing .bdf's generated by
Biosemi. The files are quite large because Biosemi has a uniquely large
dynamic range, allowing sampling of ultra-low frequencies. If these
frequencies are not of interest to the researcher, then one workaround
is to high-pass filter the data above .1 or 1 Hz. This can be
accomplished using the free software application LabVIEW (available on
Biosemi's website), which will filter the data and convert the .bdf
files to much smaller .edf files.
We ultimately ended up using Brain Vision Analyzer to filter the data
and export only the primary channels of interest in .edf format. Note
that the Matlab export add-in from Brain Vision doesn't always work. 

Good luck!

>>> "Miriam Gade" <gade at sissa.it> 5/22/2007 12:27 AM >>>

Hi all, 
we recently bought a Biosemi EEG System and are now trying to analyse a
first oddball experiment  recorded with 128 channels. However, EEGLAB
continously reports memory failures when we try to read the data in,
even though the task manager under windows shows 500 MB of free memory.
Has anybody of you encountered the same problem? Do you know how to
circumvent it? thanks for any answers and greetings from italy miriam 

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