[Eeglablist] ICA on DC recorded data

Christopher Brown Christopher.Brown at manchester.ac.uk
Wed May 23 11:55:52 PDT 2007

Dear list members,

Does anybody know how to get around this problem: I want to run ICA (e.g. Jader) on EEG data that has been recorded in D.C. (in order to measure slow potentials). When I try to remove artifacts using Jader, it basically doesn't work: removing artifact channels doesn't successfully clean up the data. If I filter the data (at, say, 0.01Hz high pass), Jader works just fine and I can remove artefacts. So, for some reason Jader doesn't like D.C. data. For my work it's very important not to filter the data. Does anybody know how I might be able to use Jader without filtering?

Best wishes,

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