[Eeglablist] Frequency resolution timef

conny kranczioch conny_kranczioch at yahoo.de
Thu Nov 15 02:21:46 PST 2007

Dear all,

I was wondering about how to get the frequency resolution for the output frequencies when using timef with wavelets. What I've done so far is to calculate the frequency resolution based on cycles = (output frequency)/ (sigma(frequency)), so for my (lowest) output frequency of 3.75 Hz and a 3 cycle wavelet sigma would be 1.25. I use the function with [wavecycles factor] = [3 0.5], and for each addititonal output frequency  (starting from 3.75 Hz) I add 0.5 cycles to my original 3 cycles to estimate the frequency resolution. Does this make sense or am I completely of the track?

Best, Conny

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