[Eeglablist] Memory Issues: Importing Neuroscan .cnt files

Bradley Voytek btvoytek at berkeley.edu
Fri Jan 25 17:42:08 PST 2008


What you'll want to do is import a subset of data at a time. Through
the GUI for CNT files you can import time intervals. You can then
append the datasets to create on large dataset. The issue seems to
stem from the way importing is implemented, wherein several copies of
the dataset are made.

So if you import only segment and concatenate, you'll be able to work
with the .set files no problem.

I've got a custom script that imports chunks of CNT and BDF files
automatically that I can send you if you're comfortable modifying
them. The BDF script works with any dataset, whereas the CNT script
will need some tweaking on your part.


On Jan 24, 2008 3:22 PM, Zachary Moran <zdmoran at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm part of a group at UCLA trying to implement EEGLAB to analyze rather
> large, Neuroscan .cnt files collected with Scan 4.3.  The files are 16-bit
> sampled at 1000 Hz, with an average size of about 400 MB.  I'm using a
> Dell/2.4GHz Intel with 1GB RAM running Windows XP Professional and Matlab
> R2007a.  However, in trying to import continuous files into EEGLAB, I get
> the following error:
> EEGLAB error in function loadcnt() at line 381:
> Error using ==> fread
> Out of memory.  Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
> I've tried the usual memory saving options listed under "help memory" to no
> avail.  I'm already running at 1GB of RAM, but does anyone know whether the
> addition of more RAM would solve this problem or if there are alternate
> solutions that have been found?
> Any help or information would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Zach Moran
> Graduate Student
> UCLA Lab for Clinical Affective Psychophysiology
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