[Eeglablist] Postdoctoral Position at Colorado

Tim Curran Tim.Curran at Colorado.EDU
Mon Jan 26 14:31:37 PST 2009

A Research Associate Position in
Determinants of Executive Function & Dysfunction (DEFD)
An NIMH Funded Interdisciplinary Behavioral Science Center
Institute for Cognitive Science & Department of Psychology
University of Colorado, Boulder

Postdoctoral position available to work on multi-modal imaging (fMRI, 
ERP, MEG) studies of executive function with Dr. Marie Banich (P.I.) 
and other co-investigators as part of the NIMH-funded DEFD Center 
(http://defd.colorado.edu/index.html). The research agenda is 
diverse, encompassing developmental processes in, genetic 
contributions to, and psychopathology implications of executive 
function. Desirable qualifications include research experience with 
fMRI, ERP, and/or MEG as well as interests and expertise related to 
executive function. We are particularly interested in individuals 
with requisite technical skills and experience in combining different 
imaging modalities, including connectivity analyses.

*Fully completed applications will be reviewed starting January 30, 
2009 and will continue until the position is filled.

All Letters of Reference to be mailed to ICS (attn Jean Bowen), 
University of Colorado, UCB 344, Boulder, CO 80309 

Required education/experience/skills (minimum qualifications):
Ph.D in Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology or related field. 

Desired qualifications:
Desirable qualifications include research experience with fMRI, ERP, 
and/or MEG as well as interests and expertise related to executive 
function. Applicants should have a strong work ethic, be 
self-motivated and directed, well organized, responsible and have a 
keen attention to detail. Candidates must be able to work well 
independently and as part of a team.
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