[Eeglablist] Research Assistant Position at Colorado

Tim Curran Tim.Curran at Colorado.EDU
Mon Jan 26 14:31:39 PST 2009

Posting Description:
The Institute of Cognitive Science is seeking a full-time 
professional research assistant to aid in the statistical analysis 
and processing of brain imaging data (MRI/DTI/ERP).  The PRA will 
primarily be responsible for developing, testing and documenting 
novel analysis scripts and toolsets.

Applicants should be comfortable working in a Linux/Mac OS X/CLI 
environment, have computer programming/scripting experience (i.e. 
shell scripting, Python, C, etc) and experience applying basic 
statistics using mathematical analysis software (i.e. R, SPSS, 
MATLAB, Mathematica, IDL, etc).

Prior MRI data analysis experience and background in neuroscience 
and/or cognitive psychology is preferred, but not required.  The PRA 
will develop a comprehensive understanding of cognitive neuroscience 
methods and analyses. 

Required Education/Experience/Skills (Minimum Qualifications):
B.S. in Computer Science, Psychology or related field and 1-2 years 
of laboratory and/or industry programming/scripting experience is 
required. Candidates must be able to work well independently and as 
part of a team. 

Desired qualifications:
Applicants should have a strong work ethic, be self-motivated and 
directed, well organized, responsible and have a keen attention to 

Commensurate with skills and experience

To apply:
Please submit a cover letter, statement of research interests and 
training, curriculum vitae and three references. All applications 
will be accepted  electronically at https://www.jobsatcu.com/

The candidate selected for this position must be able to meet 
eligibility requirements to work in the United States at the time the 
appointment is scheduled to begin.
The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and 
equality in education and employment.
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