[Eeglablist] Channel interpolation with sphspline

Niko Busch Niko.Busch at Nat.Uni-Magdeburg.DE
Tue Jan 27 06:04:27 PST 2009

Hi everyone,
I have a question on interpolation of bad channels with the sphspline  
plug-in by Andreas Widmann.

I often have to deal with channels that are noisy on only a subset of  
trials. Can you tell pop_repchan to interpolate only specific trials  
instead of the entire data set?

Thanks a lot

Dr. Niko Busch

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Institut für  Psychologie
Abteilung für Biologische Psychologie
Postfach 4120
39016 Magdeburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 391- 67 11969
Fax:  +49 (0) 391- 67 11947
Web: www.uni-magdeburg.de/nbusch

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