[Eeglablist] Channel interpolation with sphspline

Andreas Widmann widmann at uni-leipzig.de
Wed Jan 28 02:15:49 PST 2009

Hi Niko,

> I have a question on interpolation of bad channels with the sphspline  
> plug-in by Andreas Widmann.
> I often have to deal with channels that are noisy on only a subset of  
> trials. Can you tell pop_repchan to interpolate only specific trials  
> instead of the entire data set?
No, there is no option (yet?) to interpolate trial subset only. I will 
consider whether this could be implemented.

However, on the command line this could be done in some lines:

trialArray = [1 15 42]; % Your trial subset
TEMP = pop_repchan(EEG, ... % Temporary interpolated dataset

% Only copy the to be interpolated trials into your EEG data
EEG.data(:, :, trialArray) = TEMP.data(:, :, trialArray);

However, be aware that a possibly existing ICA weight matrix will be 
invalid as only part of the dataset is interpolated! This could also not 
be changed by introducing an explicit option.

Maybe there was a misunderstanding in our last mail correspondence: It's 
  perfectly ok for me if you send support request directly to me. I only 
asked to, please, also CC to the list. If you only send to the list 
there will be long delays quite often.


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