[Eeglablist] 2 postdoc positions in Marseille, France

Stephane Dufau stephane.dufau at univ-provence.fr
Thu Apr 16 09:08:14 PDT 2009

Post-doc: MEG investigations of orthographic processing in Marseille, 

Applications are now open for a post-doctoral position at the 
Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive in Marseille, France, for research 
using MEG to investigate early orthographic processing in visual word 
recognition. The position is renewable on a yearly basis for up to 
5-years, and is part of an ERC-funded research project led by Jonathan 
Grainger. The ERC (European Research Council) is the first European 
funding body set up to support investigator-driven frontier research 
(http://erc.europa.eu/). The successful applicant will have a Ph.D in 
psychology or neuroscience and several years experience using MEG to 
study perceptual-cognitive functions. She/he will be involved in the 
design, execution, and data analysis of MEG experiments in healthy 
volunteers. The Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive is a thriving 
research department with more than 20 full-time research scientists and 
university professors working in various areas of cognitive psychology. 
It is part of a large interdisciplinary research institute on cognition, 
brain, and behavior housed on the St. Charles campus of the University 
of Provence in central Marseille. Applicants should send the names of 
two referees and a curriculum vitae to:
jonathan.grainger at univ-provence.fr

Post-doc: Computational and psychophysical investigations of 
orthographic processing in Marseille, France.

Applications are now open for a post-doctoral position in computational 
modeling and visual psychophysics at the Laboratoire de Psychologie 
Cognitive in Marseille, France, for research into early orthographic 
processing in visual word recognition. The position is renewable on a 
yearly basis for up to 5-years, and is part of an ERC-funded research 
project led by Jonathan Grainger. The ERC (European Research Council) is 
the first European funding body set up to support investigator-driven 
frontier research (http://erc.europa.eu/). The successful applicant will 
have a Ph.D in psychology/neuroscience/cognitive science and a 
background in computational modeling and/or visual psychophysics. The 
hired person will be involved in developing a computational model of 
early visual-orthographic processing of printed words, as well as the 
design, execution, and data analysis of psychophysical experiments 
investigating the nature of these processes. The Laboratoire de 
Psychologie Cognitive is a thriving research department with more than 
20 full-time research scientists and university professors working in 
various areas of cognitive psychology. It is part of a large 
interdisciplinary research institute on cognition, brain, and behavior 
housed on the St. Charles campus of the University of Provence in 
central Marseille. Applicants should send the names of two referees and 
a curriculum vitae to: jonathan.grainger at univ-provence.fr

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