[Eeglablist] Status Channel

Kelly Jantzen Kelly.Jantzen at wwu.edu
Mon Apr 20 12:16:52 PDT 2009

I am trying to read data from the middle byte on the status channel of  
a BIOSEMI file.  I have tried converting the status channel to  4 byte  
values (uint8) and then reading from the appropriate byte.  However,  
when I do this none of the bytes correspond to the expected trigger or  
status values.   I would appreciate any insight from anyone who has  
worked with the BIOSEMI status channel in EEGLAB.  A small snippet of  
sample code to go along with your insight would be even better.

K.J. Jantzen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Western Washington University
Miller Hall 346A
516 High Street, Bellingham
Washington, 98225
email: Kelly.Jantzen at wwu.edu
phone: (360) 650 4046

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