[Eeglablist] Status Channel

Hova Bakardjian hova at brain.riken.jp
Mon Apr 20 21:32:22 PDT 2009

To extract the Biosemi trigger information, you'll need to apply a mask.
Here is some example Matlab code, as you asked:

% Applying 8-bit masks to BDF status channel 'BDFstatuschannel_orig':
BDFstatuschannel = bitand(floor(BDFstatuschannel_orig -
min(BDFstatuschannel_orig)), 255);

The output 'BDFstatuschannel' will give you non-zero values for all
samples when a trigger was activated. You can also obtain the trigger

I hope this helps,

Hovagim Bakardjian
RIKEN, Brain Science Institute
Laboratory for Advanced Brain Signal Processing
Address: 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama Prefecture, 351-0198 JAPAN
Tel: 	+81 (48) 467-9665
URL: 	http://www.bsp.brain.riken.jp/~hova/
Lab URL:http://www.bsp.brain.riken.jp/
E-mail: <hova at brain.riken.jp>

Kelly Jantzen wrote:
> I am trying to read data from the middle byte on the status channel of a
> BIOSEMI file.  I have tried converting the status channel to  4 byte
> values (uint8) and then reading from the appropriate byte.  However,
> when I do this none of the bytes correspond to the expected trigger or
> status values.   I would appreciate any insight from anyone who has
> worked with the BIOSEMI status channel in EEGLAB.  A small snippet of
> sample code to go along with your insight would be even better.   
> K.J. Jantzen, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor, Psychology
> Western Washington University
> Miller Hall 346A
> 516 High Street, Bellingham
> Washington, 98225
> email: Kelly.Jantzen at wwu.edu <mailto:Kelly.Jantzen at wwu.edu>
> phone: (360) 650 4046

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