[Eeglablist] how to analysize the new EEG data

Crazy Lee liyang991411 at 163.com
Mon Apr 27 11:09:38 PDT 2009

everyone eeg user,I have created some new channels from 33 channels EEG file, e.g.EEG.data(34,:)=EEG.data(12,:)-EEG.data(3,:),then save it as a new EEG data set,the EEG data file format is struct format.
However,I would like to analysize the new EEG data,so I have imported the new EEG data (which is including the new created channels)into the EEGlab GUI,but it doesn't work,which EEGlab software don't support the struct format data. If I export new channel data from eeglab software, then re-import into eeglab software, more information,for example,the chanlocs informatin is missed.Can you help me how to analysize the new EEG data(this data is involving all the original information)?
Thanks in advance!
Crazy Lee

Crazy Lee
ACSE Department

University of Sheffield


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