[Eeglablist] ICA (number of data points) for artifact rejection

Eric Landsness landsness at wisc.edu
Thu May 21 09:55:29 PDT 2009

In previous eeglablist emails and the literature the number of datapoints needed for ICA decomposition has been discussed.  See 


My dataset is 8 min of continuous data with 256 channels at 500 Hz per subject which is way below the suggested sample size (256^2 * 20 = 44 minutes).

I am using ICA purely for artifact removal (eye and EMG removal) and was wondering what is the harm in having too little data?  How much risk do I run of removing "real" data? 

I understand that my data will be overlearned (Sarela and Vigario 2003), but I feel that the eye movements and EMG are being cleanly decomposed into a few components that when removed significantly improve my data set, is this a problem?  I am not using the decomposition as a training set for other data sets.  With each subject I run a new ICA decomposition.

Thanks for the comments and sorry to bring up this issue again to the email list.

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