[Eeglablist] Fail to sort epoches according to latency

Lili Wu wull1982 at yahoo.com.cn
Tue Jun 2 08:50:36 PDT 2009

Hi all,
Now I am trying to sort the epoches according to their latency. The *.cnt file was merged with behavior file (the latency was in seconds not in ms) and then epoched.

*.eeg file was inport into EEGLAB for latency sorting. I just want to choose some specific latency, not a range of. 
For instance, the latency were: 100, 105, 110, 200, 220.
How could define the latency if I just want to choose the two epoches with the latency of 100 and 200. 

The command of 
[EEGOUT, event_indices] = pop_selectevent(EEG, 'latency','100 <= 200');
was effective if the sorted latency is in the range of [100, 200], but I do not know hwo to specifically define the latency rather than using a latency range.. In fact, I have try to use the command of:
[EEGOUT, event_indices] = pop_selectevent(EEG, 'latency','100');  it does not work and returns error.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Lili Wu


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