[Eeglablist] re-refeference?

Andrew Hill andrewhill at ucla.edu
Tue Jun 16 19:01:59 PDT 2009

hello folks,

i've got a question on data referencing on some .CNT files.

it seems that using reref to avgref state still shows an inverse  
relationship between the (vertex) reference and all (64) electrodes,  
getting larger as they get further away from the original common  
average reference.

this data was from a 64-channel recording on a Synamps2 (32-bit).
creating epochs/averages from this data either with linked ears re-ref  
or average reference, i still "see" the influence of the reference  
near Cz.

is there any way to correct for this when performing a compute average  
reference in EEGLab?


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