[Eeglablist] How does the eeglab plot the topographic map of ICA ?

qiweijingwx qiweijingwx at 126.com
Wed Jul 15 19:29:03 PDT 2009


I write the programm documents to produce the data of independent components, including the mixing matrix, the seperating matrix and the data of components. But I cann't return them to the eeglab.The following is the documents I used to return:
EEG.icaact=FRC;           %%%FRC is the data of components
EEG.icaweights=FW;      %%%FW is the seperating matrix
EEG.icawinv=FA;           %%%FA is the mixing matrix

Using the above documents to return the date to eeglab, I cann't plot the accurate topographic map in eeglab.

So I want to know the reason of my problem or the rules of plotting  topographic map in eeglab.

Thanks in advance!



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