[Eeglablist] ICA weights not "saved"?

Andrew Hill andrewhill at ucla.edu
Mon Aug 10 12:49:29 PDT 2009

hi folks,

i might be misunderstanding something about how the "Run ICA" works.
i've been running ICA against .set files, half of the channels at a  
time to avoid out of memory errors... i got through all my .sets, and  
then extracted epochs from all the .set files, assuming the ICA  
weights would be inherited by the epochs.

the problem is, when i open one of these .set files, it appears that  
the data file doesn't actually have ICA weights saved into it. am i  
doing something wrong??  is there some step to explicitly save the  
weights with the .set file that i need to do?

these weights don't appear to be saved even with the "write ICA  
activations to disk" option checked...

i cannot load more than one .set into memory at a time... and i cannot  
process more than half the channels in one Run ICA go.. so what am i  
missing?  why are these not saved to the .set?


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