[Eeglablist] epoching data using indicies

Zack Chadick james.chadick at ucsf.edu
Thu Aug 20 15:15:35 PDT 2009

hello, i'm trying to epoch data using the 'eventidicies' field in  
pop_epoch but i cannot seem to
force pop_epoch to recognize only the indicies i feed in. i've been  
calling as follows:

EEG2 = pop_epoch(EEG, {}, [-1 2], 'eventindicies' ,x_inds);

where 'x_inds' are the indicies i am interested in extracting. as an  
example, say there are 20
markers in my EEG set, every other marker is called "STIM" under the  
event.type field, if i want
to extract out only the first half of the "STIM" markers (five total  
- every other from the first 10) how
would i go about doing that (i.e. x_inds = [1 3 5 7 9])?

i've tried the following:

EEG2 = pop_epoch(EEG, {}, [-1 2], 'eventindicies' ,x_inds);       ->  
returns all 20 epoched markers
EEG2 = pop_epoch(EEG, {'STIM'}, [-1 2]);                          ->  
returns all 10 "STIM" markers
EEG2 = pop_epoch(EEG, {'STIM'}, [-1 2], 'eventindicies' ,x_inds); ->  
returns all 10 "STIM" markers

i cant seem to come up with a way to override the "typerange"  
command, has anyone run into this
problem and have a potential solution?

zack chadick
gazzaley lab - UCSF
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