[Eeglablist] problems with plotting data in eeglab
Arnaud Delorme
arno at ucsd.edu
Mon Sep 28 08:48:46 PDT 2009
Dear Daniel,
there was a typo below. I meant
erp = mean(EEG.data,3);
Sorry about that,
On Sep 26, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Arnaud Delorme wrote:
> Dear Daniel,
>> I have a further refinement on my question from yesterday. When I
>> do the following:
>> figure; erp = pop_erpimage(EEG,1, [5],[],strsetname,4,1,{},[],'' ,
>> 'yerplabel', '\muV', 'erp', 'on', 'limits',[NaN NaN -25 25 NaN NaN
>> NaN NaN] , 'cbar', 'on', 'vert',[170 300] ,'topo', { [5]
>> EEG.chanlocs EEG.chaninfo } );
>> The erp variable now contains a matrix of data with 43 columns.
>> Since the dataset contains 46 events, I was wondering what is
>> contained within these 43 columns? The numbers are close but short
>> a few ...
> The size of the erp variable depends on the smoothing being applied
> to the dataset. For instance if you do smoothing of 5, then the
> first 2 and last 2 trials will be removed.
> To compute the actual ERP, just do
> erp = men(EEG.data,3)
> Best,
> Arno
> <ATT00001.txt>
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