[Eeglablist] pop_newtimef and frequency range displayed?

Andrew Hill andrewhill at ucla.edu
Fri Oct 30 01:48:43 PDT 2009

i'm using the GUI or pop_newtimef directly to do the following:

figure; pop_newtimef( EEG, 1, 14, [-500  496], [3         0.5] ,  
'topovec', 14, 'elocs', EEG.chanlocs, 'chaninfo', EEG.chaninfo,  
'baseline',0, 'freqs', [0 50], 'plotphase', 'off', 'padratio', 16);

but the resulting figure shows 25 - 50 hz, not 0 to 50 for ERSP and ITC.

in fact, any value (or blank) for that parameter results in the same  
thing - showing freqs from 25 to 50 hz.

am I missing something obvious?


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