[Eeglablist] postdoc at UC Irvine

Mike D'Zmura mdzmura at uci.edu
Thu Nov 12 09:02:12 PST 2009

Dear EEGlabbers,

I am looking for a postdoc who would perform
neuroscientific and signal-processing research
on the communication of imagined speech and
intended direction using EEG.  The position is funded by
the Army Research Office; the starting date is
as early as January 1, 2010. 

The job advertisement at UC Irvine may be found at


and is for employment as a postdoctoral scholar
in the Cognitive NeuroSystems Lab (cnslab.ss.uci.edu/muri). 
As per the advertisement (see below), please send a cover letter
of interest, a CV and three references to me at mdzmura at uci.edu
if you would like to apply for this position.


Mike D'Zmura
Professor & Chair
Department of Cognitive Sciences
UC Irvine
SBSG 2332
Irvine, California 92697-5100
mdzmura at uci.edu
949-824-4055 (voice) -2307 (fax)


School of Social Sciences
Department of Cognitive Sciences
Cognitive Neurosystems Laboratory
Position: Postdoctoral Scholar
The Department of Cognitive Sciences announces a Postdoctoral Scholar 
position in the Cognitive Neurosystems Laboratory.  The Postdoctoral 
Scholar will collaborate in research investigating EEG-based 
brain-computer interfaces for imagined speech and for intended 
direction.  The position depends on extramural funding and on research 
contracts of the principal investigator.  The initial position is for 
one year, with the possibility of renewal depending on performance and 
extramural funding.  The appointment would begin as early as January 1, 
2010; salary will be commensurate with experience.

Requirements - Candidates should have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline 
and experience in behavioral research methods and in computational and 
statistical methods of analysis.

Application Procedure - Please email a statement of interest, a 
curriculum vitae including publications, and three references to:

   Michael D'Zmura (mdzmura at uci.edu)

The University of California, Irvine is an equal opportunity employer 
committed to excellence through diversity.

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