[Eeglablist] Adjar Technique

Dr. Anja Ischebeck anja.ischebeck at uni-graz.at
Tue Nov 17 09:44:15 PST 2009

Dear all,

We am currently trying to use the Adjar technique
(Woldorff, Psychophysiology, 1993),
to deal with overlapping ERP Responses.
However, I am not quite able to wrap my head
around it. Does anybody have some experience
with Adjar? Every bit of script would help us,
just as a demo of what has to be done.

And of course we could be happy to
learn from your experience and share our
(hopefully) future experiences with that method.

Any hints and comments are highly welcome


Dr. Anja Ischebeck
Institut für Psychologie
Universität Graz

Universitätsplatz 2/DG, 8010 Graz
Tel: +43 (0) 316 380-8503
E-Mail: anja.ischebeck at uni-graz.at

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