[Eeglablist] Different baseline correction for different types of event?

Retzler Christopher lpxcr at nottingham.ac.uk
Fri Jul 2 02:25:04 PDT 2010

I'm currently re-anlayzing some data, I have been epoching using the following

EEG = pop_epoch( EEG, {  'cho+'  'cho-'  'chx '  'cig+'  'cig-'  'cix '  }, [-2  2], 'newname', 'epochs', 'epochinfo', 'yes'); 


[ALLEEG EEG CURRENTSET] = pop_newset(ALLEEG, EEG, 1, 'overwrite', 'on', 'gui', 'off');


% baseline correct using -200 to 0 as baseline 

EEG = pop_rmbase(EEG,[-200 0]);



Is it possible to apply seperate baseline corrections to two types of events? So for 'chx' and 'cix' events I would like to baseline correct at -1800 - -1600 as these are pre-response epochs. For the other events I would like to use  -200 - 0ms as the baseline (these are post-reponse). Ideally I would like to process these events together so that I can run the rest of pre-processing on the entire data set (i.e. ICA artifact rejection etc) and not have to do it twice.


Many thanks in advance.

Chris Retzler
PhD student
School of Psychology 
University of Nottingham 
University Park 
NG7 2RD. 
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