[Eeglablist] Special Interest Group Autism & EEG/MEG

Sara Jane Webb sjwebb at u.washington.edu
Tue Nov 30 10:07:11 PST 2010

Hello all,

I am writing to inform you about the opportunity for an EEG/MEG in  
Autism Special Interest Group at the International Meeting for Autism  
in San Diego 2011. To facilitate this SIG, I am soliciting feedback  
from you about the following items:

1) Your ability/interest in attending the SIG at IMFAR in San Diego  

2) Suggestions for ways to interact at the 1 hour SIG at IMFAR.

3) Suggestions for ways to interact throughout the year.

Please send back you responses within the next two weeks to sjwebb at u.washington.edu


Sara Jane Webb, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Autism Research Program
Box 357920; CHDD 314C; University of Washington
Seattle WA 98195
sjwebb at u.washington.edu

Confidentiality Notice:  Because email is not secure, please be aware  
that we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information sent by  
email.  If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the  
sender by reply email, and then destroy all copies of the message and  
any attachments.

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