[Eeglablist] Question regarding use of interpolation function

Tsuboyama, Melissa mtsuboyama at URMC.Rochester.edu
Wed Apr 4 09:01:10 PDT 2012


I am very new at using eeglab.m. I have been having difficulty interpolating the data from each of my datasets (being performed one dataset at a time) for the bad channel I have removed.  I have already performed low and high pass filters (not simultaneously), removed large artifacts and ran ICA twice (with the second time being after rejecting some data but not removing components).

I have been trying to use the "Interpolate electrodes" automated function from the "Tools" menu.  I loaded the original EEG data file and removed VEOG and HEOG and put in appropriate channel locations.  This was my second, reference dataset.  When prompted, I click on "Use list of other dataset" which then prompts me to enter "dataset index".  I am not sure to what this is referring.  Is this the bad channel (using the second dataset as the reference) that I would like to be interpolated around/for?  What is the format I need to use to input the dataset index?


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