[Eeglablist] EPILAB- A Matlab Framework for epileptic seizure prediction now freely available

Antonio Dourado dourado at dei.uc.pt
Tue Apr 17 09:09:56 PDT 2012

Dear colleagues,

It is now freely available at


the Matlab application EPILAB for studies on seizure prediction in 
epileptic people.
It supports all stages, from raw EEG and ECG data reading (in several 
formats) and pre-processing,  to predictors developments and testing.
A Users Guide accompanies the software.

You are invited to download and use it.

It was developed by the FP7 Project EPILEPSIAE- Evolving Platform to 
Improve the Living Expectations of Patients Suffering from IctAl Events, 
funded by the European Union (www.epilepsiae.eu ).

You can develop your own predictors and insert them easily into EPILAB,  
in an object-oriented approach.


Best regards,

António Dourado
Full Professor
EPILEPSIAE Coordinator
University of Coimbra

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