[Eeglablist] RESULTS- STUDY vs Individual subject

M Abul Hassan abulhassan85 at yahoo.com
Mon May 14 08:21:53 PDT 2012

Dear all
I made a STUDY for 'a' groups and 'b' conditions. All recordings have a linked-ear reference. When I calculate Event-related spectral perturbation for a whole group, I get on 3 channels in the central region ‘a continuous blue area’ i.e. strong desynchronization across all frequency bands and through all time, that is obviously wrong. Looking at individual subjects data within the STUDY I could locate recordings causing problem. I can also notice strange peaks in ERP of the same subjects. However when I look at the individual data (opening *.set instead a *.study) I cannot find any problem, ERSP and ERD look fine. 
Can somebody give me advice on this, is there some problem with scaling or different presentation in a study an in a dataset 
Best Regards 
Muhammad Abul Hasan
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