[Eeglablist] Visualization of the results

Andero Uusberg andero.uusberg at ut.ee
Fri May 18 06:32:01 PDT 2012


I'm not sure how this extrapolates to plotting 3D heads, but maybe this 
piece of script meant for visualising means on 2D heads can inspire you :)

Andero Uusberg
Department of Experimental Psychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Tartu

data = % channels by subjects array of your mean voltages
chanlocs = % the EEGLAB channel location substructure EEG.chanlocs. To 
obtain this from your locations file, follow the GUI procedure for 
importing channel location information to EEGLAB (I guess for that 
you'll need to load some data into EEGLAB with the same number of channels)

% vizualizing without significance masking
figure; topoplot(data,chanlocs,'electrodes','labelpoint', 'style', 
'map'); % see help topoplot for several parameters of the figure you can 
fiddle with

% visualizing with significance masking
pval = % the p-value you want to use
[stats, df, pvals] = statcond(data); % calculate statistics (again, see 
help statcond for defining the type of statistics)
% pvals = fdr(pvals); % activate if you want to perform False Discovery 
Rate correction on your data
'style', 'map');

On 14.05.2012 13:52, boxi at hukassa.com wrote:
> I have one voltage value for each electrode (I do not have continuous data) I have an electrode location file made. How can I visualize these voltages as a colormap using 3D head? I need exact instructions. Thanks!
> Mikko Hakomäki
> MSc Thesis worker
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