[Eeglablist] exporting cluster ERPs

mirek 3mirek at gmail.com
Mon May 21 13:45:27 PDT 2012

Hi everybody,

I am trying to export ERPs of ICs clusters for more detailed statistical
I have written a simple script which has to export full ERP waveform
from all the
ICs belonging to a given cluster.

The problem is, that the average I get from these ERPs differs when
comparing to the plots obtained using 'Study>  Edit/plot clusters>  Plot

I was trying to debug the script step by step but it seems to work as I
intended. Instead, I think that my idea of exporting data may be wrong.

So the basic question is:
Are the ERP waveforms of the ICs' ERPs stored in *.icaerp files?

If no, could anybody suggest which data should be exported to match
these plotted with 'Edit/plot cluster?

I would appreciate any help.



If anyone wants to look at the script, it can be downloaded from:

It works as follows:

I use the first study design with two conditions (PIC+ and PIC-), so the
files are named: 'NN_PIC-.icaerp' and 'NN_PIC+.icaerp'
loop 1:
- it identifies from which components the cluster consists of SS IC CC
[SS - subject number; CC - component number within this subject] (let's
say, the cluster no 10 consists of subj01ic03, subj02ic05, subj04ic08,
subj05ic04 .......)
- for each of two conditions the proper icaerp file is read (lets's say:
01_PIC-.icaerp and 01_PIC+.icaerp)
- then the variable 'compCC' is read and put to the 'erpdata' matrix in
order to be later exported to text file. 'erpdata2' contains additional
data about between-group factor and subject/component numbers.
loops 2-3:
- writes file header of the export file
loop 4:
- writes the data (-1000 to 2000 ms, 256 samples /sec)

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