[Eeglablist] exporting one channel from EEGLAB dataset

James Desjardins jdesjardins at brocku.ca
Thu May 31 13:55:45 PDT 2012

Hi Ida,

If you load two data set files into EEGLab copying the following to  
the command line should give you what you are looking for (two arrays,  
one that is channel 10 of the first dataset [d1ch10], and the second  
that is channel 100 from dataset number 2 [d2ch100].

%create d1ch10 array...
%save d1ch10 to file "d1ch10.mat"...

%create d2ch100 array...
%save d2ch100 to file "d2ch100.mat"...

%clear the workspace then load saved arrays...
clear all

I hope this is helpful.

James Desjardins, MA
Technician, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab
Department of Psychology, Behavioural Neuroscience
Brock University
500 Glenridge Ave.
St. Catharines, ON, Canada
L2S 3A1
905-688-5550 x4676

Quoting ida miokovic <ida.miokovic at gmail.com>:

> Hello everyone,
> I am working with datasets of 120 EEG channels in EEGLAB. After some
> preprocessing I wanted to export some channels (one by one) to MATLAB
> workspace in way to be able to import it (one channel) as an input it to
> Neural Network.
> For example - I would like to obtain channel number 10 from Dataset1 in
> EEGLAB and channel number 100 from other Dataset2. I do not need all of the
> channels, so option File-->Export is more complicated in a way I would have
> to export that first and then go through that .txt file to find a channel
> of my interest. If there is straightforward way for that, please let me
> know...
> Thanks a lot
> Ida

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