[Eeglablist] Simmultanous EEg and FMRI

Meltem Ballan meltball at rocketmail.com
Thu Jun 14 14:46:54 PDT 2012

Thank you very much Makoto. I will let the group know about my results.


 From: Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>
To: Meltem Ballan <meltball at rocketmail.com> 
Cc: "eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu" <eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu> 
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: Simmultanous EEg and FMRI
Dear Meltem,

I'm afraid I'm not qualified to give you advice about it since I have
no publication of fMRI-EEG yet. I recommend the book titled
'Simustaneous EEG and fMRI' by Ullsperger and Debener instead.

That said, if you are still interested in it, this is a general
explanation of what it should be.

If you are not familiar with MATLAB coding, then I recommend you use
EEGLAB and its plugin FMRIB. If the data format is BVA, then it is
supported by EEGLAB, which means you can import the raw data with it.
FMRIB has its manual that tells you the order of data processing,
which is 1. gradient switching artifact rejection, 2. r-peak detection
and marking, 3. ballistocardiogram artifact rejection. Personally, I
recommend you use the simple AAS algorithm for the first time, so turn
off Adaptive noise filter and optimal basis set option. Thus you can
evaluate stationality of GA artifact.

If you are familiar with coding, then I personally recommend
"Statistical feature extraction for artifact removal from concurrent
fMRI-EEG recordings" by Zhongming Liu, Jacco A. de Zwart, Peter van
Gelderen, Li-Wei Kuo, Jeff H. Duyn (NeuroImage, 2012). Their codes are
available from their site which are EEGLAB compatible (almost; though
it is a very well written code, you should be able to understand and
edit it if you want to use it seriously), and the performance is, I
believe, much better than that of conventional moving-average template
construction approach... that's my personal view though.


2012/6/14 Meltem Ballan <meltball at rocketmail.com>:
> Dear Makoto,
> I have seen some conversations on EEGLAB pipemail regarding to the combined
> EEG and fMRI studies you have done. I have a set of EEG data recorded
> (simultaneously w/ fMRI). It was recorded by Brain Vision Amplifier (Version
> 1). What kind of methods and orders you used to analyze your ERPs? I have
> experience with single EEG and ERP but feel like I am lost with combined EEG
> and this is an older data set and analyzer 1. So, I cannot get product
> support from BVA.
> Thanks
> MB

Makoto Miyakoshi
JSPS Postdoctral Fellow for Research Abroad
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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