[Eeglablist] Plot brain activity on a brain model

Davide Baldo davidebaldo84 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 02:40:39 PDT 2012

Dear all,

I am using the EEGLAB function HEADPLOT (
http://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/allfunctions/headplot.html ) to plot the
recorded brain activity (via EEG, 32 electrodes) on a head model.
Actually, I would like to plot the same recorded activity on a brain
model rather than on a head model. I would like to have a brain model
that lights up where the recorded EEG activity is higher.

Do you know if there is any EEGLAB function to do that? If not, could
you please suggest me which software or toolbox could I use?

Thanks a lot in advance,


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