[Eeglablist] epoching based on several triggers

mirek 3mirek at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 15:12:10 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I just encountered a problem when creating epochs from continuous signal.
To make it simple: I have two kinds of triggers marking two conditions: 
word vs nonword and correct vs incorrect responses. Each of the 
experimental stimuli in the file is marked with two simultaneous 
triggers. Is there a relatively simple way of defining epochs based on 
two simultaneous triggers? What I need to obtain are four kinds of 
datasets (word AND corr, word AND incorr, nonword AND corr, nonword AND 
In a pop_epoch() I can choose only one of them to define the epoch.
I'm not sure if I missed something in GUI or should I start to write a 

Thanks a lot for any suggestion,


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