[Eeglablist] F and P numerical values in a STUDY

M Abul Hassan abulhassan85 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 14 08:59:52 PDT 2012

 Dear eeglab users

I made a study with three groups and three conditions. I used matlab 
script (1) to get erp values in a STUDY followed by matlab script (2) to
 get F and P values.

(1) [STUDY erpdata erptime] = std_erpplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'channels',{alllocs.labels});

(2) [F df pvals]=statcond(erpdata);

For F and P values:

I got an array of 1 * 3 from which I extract values. The size of F and P
 values data for each cell is equal to size of erpdata (426*61), number 
of electrodes are 61. It is not cleared whether these cells represents 
groups or conditions because I am getting 1 * 3 rather than 3 * 3 which 
is expected.

For df values:
I got an array of 1 * 3 and each cell size is 1 * 2. The values for cell1 and cell2 are same equal to 2 and 72,  whereas values for cell3 are 4 and 72. I dont know what these values represents and why I am getting cell size of 1 * 2.

Can somebody give me advice on this.

Best Regards
Muhammad Abul Hasan

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